Friday, December 5, 2008

The War on Iraq

It has been declared that the 16 month troop removal plan is will now, in fact, take action. Defensive Secretary Robert M. Gates has expressed to The New York Times that he and President-elect Obama are in good terms. They agree not only on provisions of our nation's foreign policies, but Gates has approved of Obama's appointment of cabinet officers. Obama's intent was to create a team with a large diversity of perspectives on the nation's focus topics that would offer advice and create a solution as one. “I think he has assembled that team,” Mr. Gates said. “There will no doubt be differences among the team, and it will be up to the president to make the decisions.” Though it seems that Mr. Gates hesitated when asked whether he agreed with Obama's 16 month troop removal plan, he did assert that he had full confidence and faith in the president-elect's decision. That is why Obama was put into office. He believes that Obama, as the leader in this nation, will be able to analyze the situation and take matter responsibly. Though Obama would seem to have a lot of power in controlling the future of the United States, Gates still believes that his power as the secretary of defense is still protected because of Obama's approach towards his cabinet. Because this president-elect sees his role in government as the "caretaker" and "devil's advocate", it would be likely that Obama would be chosen as the next president. He doesn't depend on individuality or the influence of only one group of people. Obama wants to accommodate as many perceptions as he can in order to develop the "more" right decision that would best benefit the nation. I think that the government is laying in the hands of the right person.

1 comment:

jmcc04 said...

I do not feel as strongly as you do when you say “the government is in the right hands.” I feel that Obama is making a horrible decision when it comes to the removal of our troops. I have had two very close friends of mine serve in Iraq. This is a subject that hits pretty close to home in my heart. I feel that the removal of the troops would only make our country weaker! Yes it was a mistake for President Bush to send our troops over there in the first place, but he sent them over there to help that county gain back control of its people. Many soldiers have lost their lives in this war, and for what reason? We still have yet to finish the job that the troops were sent to do! If we pull out now all the soldiers that lost their lives over there would have been for nothing. Believe me I want our troops out of there more than anything, I have family there! Its just not the right time, we need to finish what we started so the ones that lost their lives lost them for a reason, not because we could not finish the job!